
See how I managed to change the lives of my patients

Discover the extraordinary stories of my patients

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Sometimes orthodontic treatment is only the beginning of a beautiful smile. Anna decided that after wearing braces, she wanted to further improve the appearance of her smile, and it was the best decision she could have made. I designed a smile that perfectly complements her facial features and expressions. We achieved an incredibly subtle and natural effect, which was our goal from the beginning of our journey towards a new smile.


Style, elegance, and class in its purest form. From the very beginning, when I first met Adrian, I knew exactly what effect I wanted to achieve when designing his new smile.

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When a smile changes a whole life. Jerzy has always loved to smile widely. Unfortunately, due to missing teeth and a progressing disease, his smile looked worse every year. Through bone reconstruction and implantation, we completely reconstructed his smile. Jerzy was delighted with his new smile and admitted that life had become much easier. He can now enjoy food, conversations, and smiles without any complexes or limitations.


Thanks to the dental implants, he regained his smile and self-confidence. Jarosław had been struggling with dental problems for a long time. He had numerous cavities and teeth that required treatment. Despite many attempts to save his teeth, the condition of his smile continued to deteriorate. When he came to my office, Jarosław underwent implantation and reconstruction of his worn teeth using porcelain veneers and crowns. Isn’t it true that his new smile looks incredibly natural?

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Total transformation that revolutionized Marta’s life. When she first walked into my office, she was shy and hesitant to smile. I proposed a complete smile transformation. We restored the proportions of her teeth and gums and subtly enhanced the appearance and color of her upper teeth. After the treatment was finished, Marta was completely amazed by what she saw in the mirror. Her smile was now wide and radiant. I saw a completely different girl who had discovered the confidence she always had in herself.


I love transformations like these. Arthur’s transformation is visible to the naked eye. He came to me with missing teeth, and left as a completely different person. His remaining teeth were uneven and discolored, so in addition to the implants, I also took care of the aesthetics of his entire smile. Arthur felt like a new man. He smiles without inhibition and joyfully shows his teeth to others. The change in his smile has brought back the radiance to his face and given him confidence.

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He never thought that such a small thing as a smile could change his life for the better. For years he hid his teeth, afraid to smile and show his teeth. Throughout the entire treatment process, even during the temporary work phase, I saw how his confidence grew and Wojtek regained his joy. This change in his smile brought not only an improvement in aesthetics but above all a huge improvement in his well-being and self-confidence.